    • Transcriptomics | Capture More Genetic Variation

      https://nanoporetech.com › Transcriptome
      赞助Scalable transcriptome sequencing. Streamlined workflows. Real-time data streaming. Uniquely delivers high outputs of long reads that span full-length RNA transcripts

      Disruptive Technology · Portable/Benchtop Devices · Handheld Sequencing

      Models: MinION, MinIONMk1C, GridION, PromethION
    • circRNA Sequencing Service | circRNA Analysis | circRNA Service

      赞助Detects genome-wide circRNA expression by circRNA sequencing or circRNA microarray. Offer circRNA inhibition and overexpression service to modulate the expression of circRNA.

      Free Consultation · 24hr Services · Inquiring Now · One-stop Solutions

      Service catalog: RNA Analysis, RNA-target Therapeutics, RNA Platform