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- C-SPAN.org · tgrane · 1368 次播放 · 2004年9月27日
- C-SPAN.org · tgrane · 1368 次播放 · 2004年9月27日
Time > “How great is this country,” Jeb Bush once said,“that it could elect a man as fine as our dad to be its president?” The remark came in private,without agenda; it so struck Laura Bush that she included the moment in the White House memoir she wrote after she,George W. left Washington in 2009. As the years passed,Jeb’s sentiment became relatively common. The 41st president represented the twilight of a tradition of public service in America—a tradition embodied by FDR,by Eisenhower,,by George H.W. Bush. “My father was the last president of a great generation,” George W. Bush said in accepting the Republican presidential nomination in 2000,eight years after his father’s defeat. “A generation of Americans who stormed beaches,liberated concentration camps,delivered us from evil. Some never came home. Those who did put their medals in drawers,went to work,,built on a heroic scale … highways,universities,suburbs,factories,great cities,grand alliances—the strong foundations of an American Century.”