    • Business Model Canvas Template | Buisness Model Template

      https://lucidspark.com › business › model
      赞助Lucidspark is a virtual whiteboard that helps remote teams ideate and collaborate online. A flexible canvas with all the tools you need to create business model canvases.
      Typen: Whiteboard online, Online samenwerking, Online sticky notes, Brainstormen
    • Business Model Canvas Template | Free Online Bcm Template

      https://miro.com › business model › canvas
      赞助Align the key business activities and their relationship to your value proposition. Collaborate with your team to find a better way to explain and visualize your business.
      网站访客: 过去一个月超过 10K 名

      Plan Projects · Pre-built templates · Digital Sticky Notes · Built-in Timer

      Styles: SAFe, Scrum, LeSS