Is the public transport from Busan to Andong ? How Long does it Take ? It is ideally to travel from Seoul to Andong Or Busan to Andong ?
It all depends what you want to do in Seoul or Busan. There’s a bus from Busan central bus termail in Nopo-dong( subway station is there). It takes about 3 and a half hours.
2 nights homestay in Hahoe village in September. How to book.
If you google "Andong Hahoe Village homestay " several options will come up. Sorry TA will not allow me to include HTML or website links but if you persevere you will find them.
How to i make a booking for Hahoe Traditional folk home stay?
We stayed at Rak Ko Jae, this was available to book online ( you can go to my profile and see my reviews if you want to see what I had to say about it ). But, it is not a traditional …
We stayed at Rak Ko Jae, this was available to book online ( you can go to my profile and see my reviews if you want to see what I had to say about it ). But, it is not a traditional homestay, so not sure if it will be what you want. Otherwise you need to wait till you arrive and at the tourist info booth they will arrange one, you can find this booth immediately where the bus drops you off at the entrance to the village.
Our planned trip to S. Korea May 4, from California: We plan to leave Seoul to Hahoe Village by Express bus early morning. Can you tell me best way (express bus or express train) to go to Busan at the end of the day? What is the frequency and schedule for going to Busan at the end of the day? Thanks.
Not sure of the frequency of the buses, do you have a travel agent assisting you? Not many of the bus companies speak English outside of Seoul.
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