Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) is a state agency committed to providing employment services for individual job seekers through IWD’s IowaWORKS partnership. The agency also maintains a …
Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) is a state agency committed to providing employment services for individual job seekers through IWD’s IowaWORKS partnership. The agency also maintains a statewide delivery system of 15 regional, four satellite, and 14 expansion offices to provide services to Iowans in communities demonstrating need. The department consists of the following divisions: • Information Technology, Labor Market Information, and Workforce Services Division • Labor Division • Unemployment and Operations Division • Workers’ Compensation Division.
Who can receive Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services?
You can receive services if your goal is to become employed. You must have a disability which limits your ability to obtain employment and need VR services to prepare for...