Nestopia is India’s most comprehensive online community for interior designers and architects with unique match making capabilities that pair professionals across India with potential projects. Nestopia …
Nestopia is India’s most comprehensive online community for interior designers and architects with unique match making capabilities that pair professionals across India with potential projects. Nestopia offers the interior design and architecture community in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Delhi and other cities, a platform to host their portfolios find like-minded professionals to collaborate with design inspiration and a way of reaching out to potential clients. The platform currently catalogues over 2000 professionals, their style of work, portfolio, expertise and project preferences. Our match makers pair projects to professionals keeping in consideration over 14 criteria ranging from geographical location and scope of work to project budget and design style. What makes Nestopia reliable is the fact that we verify each professional and his or her work before they are published on to our platform along with each potential project before pairing it with a professional.