In the video, which has gone viral on social media, the woman can be heard saying “Am Yisrael Chai”, a Hebrew phrase meaning “The people of Israel live”. Khalifa responds by telling her to ...
Egypt’s Coptic Christians Deserve Our Attention — and Our Help Lillie Bliss, MoMA’s Unheralded Founder, Gets a Close Look Zionism is the modern enactment of Hanukkah’s assertion of the ...
I remember growing up as a kid in Brooklyn, N.Y., singing the chant “Am Yisrael Chai” with great excitement and pride. Much later, as a young adult who was growing into my career as a professional Jew ...
In the aftermath of a brazen attack by Iran, Israel's response was as swift as it was symbolic: 'Am Yisrael Chai' which translates to 'The people of Israel live.' This centuries-old phrase ...
Mia Khalifa has been filmed being approached by a Jewish mother outside the Miami Beach Convention Center, a few weeks after the ex porn star predicted that Hamas will attack unarmed civilians.