到2014年,AMD桌面芯片的主要核心架构代号为Piledriver,意在接替上代架构Bulldozer。但这两款架构给人们留下的唯一印象,就是耗电高、性能却乏善可陈——曾有报道开玩笑说,它们甚至可以用作便携式的“小太阳”暖炉。至于同时期的英特尔Sa ...
近日,美国著名杂志《时代》周刊评选年度最佳CEO,AMD首席执行官苏姿丰(Lisa Su)获得该荣誉,既不是目前风头正盛的英伟达CEO黄仁勋,更不是特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克,有点令大家出乎意料,但又在情理之中。
one distribution executive says of AMD's $12.1 million settlement for a class-action lawsuit alleging the chipmaker misled consumers on the number of cores in its Bulldozer processors. AMD has ...
A Geekbench 6 result for Zhaoxin's x86 KX-6640MA CPU has been uncovered, and the performance is about on par with an early 2010s AMD Bulldozer CPU (via @BenchLeaks). The KX-6000 series came out in ...
AMD, on the other hand, gambled on Bulldozer, which focused on parallel processing and multi-threaded tasks. Sadly for AMD, ...
If you try and recollect AMD‘s standout CPUs, the only one that comes to mind is their Athlon 64 series, which back ... Advisory Alert: It has come to our attention that certain individuals are ...
AMD, however, did not intend to sell the Quantum PC at the time as its own Bulldozer-based FX processors were severely lacking in instructions per cycle (IPC) and would bottleneck the accompanying ...
Although chips including Intel's Pentium 4 series could be overclocked beyond 4GHz before the arrival of AMD's Bulldozer series, it was an AMD's FX chip that marked the debut of the first factory ...
AMD is introducing both DDR3 memory and HyperTransport 3.0 to its 1P-2P Opteron platform for the first time. The Lisbon chips will be socket-compatible with the new Bulldozer-based server ...