Recently, the government has made a provision to issue Aadhar card for children including children below 5 years of age, if you are also thinking of getting your child's Aadhar card, then know its ...
As we all know Aadhar card, PAN card ... Once the photo is updated, you can download the updated Aadhaar card from UIDAI website. Charge: ₹25 + GST charges is mandatory for photo update service.
This is your opportunity to benefit from the free update service before it expires, as it has been extended several times. June 14, 2025, is the final day to upgrade your Aadhaar card for free.
The issue of the Aadhar card being mandatory was not only an obstacle for Indians, but also for NRIs and foreigners who were traversing through the country. Arun Sundararajan, Telecom secretary ...
You know about Aadhar card very well. But what about the USA’s Social Security Number or SSN? In 1936, SSN was a 9-digit number that was used by the government to track ac citizen’s income and ...
Investigation into fake votes in Delhi has revealed that votes of Bangladeshi infiltrators are being made by making fake Aadhar cards and signatures of two AAP MLAs--Mohinder Goyal and Jai Bhagwan ...