The Pokémon Company are teaming up with stop-motion animation studio Aardman for a new mystery collaboration. Billed only as a “special project,” it’s unclear whether it will be a feature film, series ...
Aardman Animation announced that it is working with The Pokemon Company International on a new Pokemon-related project. There’s no exact release date yet, but the current launch window for it is ...
The easiest way to tell if you’re watching a film produced by Aardman Animations, a British animation studio based out of Bristol, is to check for fingerprints. If you look closely enough at any ...
The Pokémon Company are teaming up with stop-motion animation studio Aardman for a new mystery collaboration. Billed only as a “special project,” it’s unclear whether it will be a feature ...
Making movies is a risky business. Movies which cost less than $40 million to make, are fully funded up-front, get global exposure and win Oscars sound like the stuff of fantasy.