Filmmaker Anand Ekarshi, whose debut film 'Aattam' recently won three National Awards, said that his film based on sexual assault wasn't based on one particular case. He called for concrete ...
In a year widely regarded as one of the worst for industries like Hindi and Tamil — with several films failing to meet expectations — the Malayalam industry delivered a series of exceptional works.
From Kishkindha Kaandam to Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, here are the five best Indian films of the year in my opinion. These are not listed in any particular order.
‘Anweshippin Kandethum 'delves into two murder cases investigated by an honest and straightforward police officer named SI Anand and his team. 'Aattam' revolves around a sexual harassment accusation ...
Debutant director Anand Ekarshi’s Aattam (The Play) set the tone for the year with its January release. A film revolving around 12 men and a sole woman who are part of a theatre group ...