This intricate mathematical conundrum, known as the "General Three-Body Problem," captivated Lagrange's mind. Among these points, three teeter on the edge of instability - L1, L2, and L3 - aligned ...
Aditya-L1, India's first solar observatory mission, has finished its first halo orbit at Lagrange Point 1 in just 178 days. Launched on September 2, 2023, the Aditya-L1 spacecraft was inserted ...
India's first space-based mission to study the solar system's biggest object is named after Surya - the Hindu god of the Sun, who is also known as Aditya. L1 stands for Lagrange point 1 - the ...
India's first space-based mission to study the Solar System's biggest object is named after Surya - the Hindu god of Sun who is also known as Aditya. And L1 stands for Lagrange point 1 - the exact ...
(Credit: NASA) Within the Earth-Sun system, there are five Lagrange points (L1 – L5), of which L2 is currently the home of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and was the home to previous ...
"So, it is very important to put a centre of observation to continuously monitor the Sun, which is possible from the Lagrangian (L1) point," he pointed out. India is launching the Aditya-L1 to ...
In a significant development, India's highly ambitious solar mission, Aditya-L1, embarked on its journey to the Sun on Saturday after being launched on a PSLV rocket from Satish Dhawan Space ...
Launched on September 2, 2023, Aditya-L1 is positioned in a special orbit around a point in space called the first Sun-Earth Lagrange Point (L1), located about 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.