Adobe sticks with a proven interface, and Photoshop CC 2024 will feel familiar to anyone who's used an older version of the ...
在平面设计领域,Photoshop无疑是一个家喻户晓的名字。无论是图像处理、广告创意,还是图文排版,它都展示了出色的能力。但对于许多设计师来说,单纯的图像编辑软件似乎只展现了它的一部分功能。今天,我们将一起探索最新发布的Photoshop CC 2025(V26.1.0.121版)——这个仅4.3GB且专为Windows用户设计的强大工具,包括它的核心功能、技术创新以及如何解锁创意设计的新可能性。
Some monthly costs are going up for Adobe's Photography plans The cheapest option will no longer be available for new users ...
Has Adobe’s move toward AI forced it to revise its photography pricing plans or is there an ulterior motive? Here’s my hot ...
The Photography plan has existed at its current price for a long time – in November 2013, we wrote about how it was being ...
不久前,Adobe宣布提高以摄影为重点的创意云(Creative Cloud Plans.)订阅价格,虽然按年订阅价格不变,但是按月订阅价格大幅度上升——Photography (1TB)套餐每月订阅费用从9.99美元飙升至14.99美元。
Adobe just axed its most affordable photography plan for new subscribers while increasing the cost of the monthly Lightroom-Photoshop option ...