IT之家 11 月 10 日消息,法国游戏开发商 Amplitude Studios 宣布已经从世嘉手中回购工作室,今后将以独立工作室身份开发游戏,这也体现在世嘉最新 ...
法国游戏开发商Amplitude Studios近日宣布已从世嘉手中回购工作室,并将以独立工作室的身份继续开发游戏。这标志着世嘉欧洲业务结构改革的结束。
The game features solo and co-op play and ... Humankind and Endless Dungeon Studio Look Toward a New Beginning Amplitude Studios is now fully under the ownership and leadership of its internal ...
French developer Amplitude Studios, known for its turn-based ... Amplitude appears to be working on a new turn-based 4X strategy game, searching for testers earlier this year.
Humankind's turn-based strategy system might be familiar for fans of similar games, but newcomers ... that it sees this as “a new beginning” for Amplitude Studios. While it's possible the ...
Amplitude is now owned by members of the internal team, meaning that the future of our studio and games is staying in the ... to cheer them on as they take on new and exciting things in the ...
In the immediate future Amplitude intends to release a new patch for its most recent ... Sega is the second major departure of a strategy game studio from under Sega's umbrella this year after ...