On Nov 25, more than 300 archaeologists, writers, and musicians from over 60 countries and regions gathered in Liangzhu for ...
今春开始,“Path Seekers问道中国”徒步小组开启徒步之旅、探寻之旅、交流之旅,来自法国和美国的外籍人士与中国文史专家一起,探访中国知名古道,探源中华传统文脉,求证中外文明互鉴印记,深刻理解中国式现代化背后的文化根基。
since I took office as President of the People's Republic of China. Peru is home to ancient civilizations such as Caral, Chavín, Chimú, and Inca. Peruvians endearingly refer to the Chinese ...