As an ancient threat emerges, endangering both Vikings and dragons, Hiccup’s friendship with Toothless becomes the key to forging a new future. Together, they must navigate the delicate path ...
Universal Pictures has released a new teaser trailer for their live-action adaptation of How to Train Your Dragon , which gives us another look at Hiccup meeting Toothless for the first time. This new ...
As an ancient threat emerges, endangering both Vikings and dragons, Hiccup’s friendship with Toothless becomes the key to forging a new future. Together, they must navigate the delicate path ...
In that respect, it is impressive how accurate the remake looks, and Toothless is as cute as ever. Check out the synopsis below: "As an ancient threat emerges, endangering both Vikings and dragons ...
Universal Pictures has revealed a new How to Train Your Dragon promo, which debuted during the NFL Playoffs. Similar in structure to the teaser trailer, the spot features more footage from the highly ...