Angelababy(杨颖)近几年确实发展不太顺利,之前还因为在国外观看“疯马秀”而遭网友抵制,演艺事业一度陷入谷底,各种资源纷纷丢失,曝光度 ...
近日,35岁女星Angelababy(杨颖)在直播平台上展现出了超强的带货能力,瞬间引起了大家的热烈讨论。作为一位曾经以模特儿身份出道,后来成为 ...
Angelababy昨(2)日穿着薄荷绿香奈儿套装现身,官方工作室释出幕后照,除有在活动现场的摆拍外,还有坐在车上的几张侧拍照。可见Angelababy以侧脸 ...
Chinese actress Angelababy is not putting up with another bout of false rumours about her on the Internet. For some time, the netizens have been theorising that Angelababy’s marriage to Chinese ...
Chinese actress Angelababy has come under fire for wearing what some deem an inappropriate outfit at a fundraising event at her son’s school. Chinese actress Angelababy attends an event at her ...