Are you ready for some high school football? Well, the best of the best in the DMV is in Annapolis ... and their seventh in program history. The team enters Friday's championship game with ...
We haven’t received this information yet. If you are the coach, you can submit a request to claim this team and update the schedule, roster, stats and more.
ANNAPOLIS, Nov. 25. -- The football game here to-day between the cadets and young officers of the White Squadron, which the cadets won by a score of 8 to 0, was followed by a disgraceful incident ...
We haven’t received this information yet. If you are the coach, you can submit a request to claim this team and update the schedule, roster, stats and more.
The University football team will have the Square for Annapolis at 7.15 o'clock this evening. They will take the Federal Express from the Back Bay station at 8.04, arriving in Baltimore at 8.40 o ...