which was produced by Boney and starred Arjun's uncle Anil Kapoor and “Sridevi ma'am.” “My entire life with my father was being on Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja set. Even by today’s ...
Over the years, Arjun Kapoor has developed a closer relationship with his half-sisters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor. In most instances, Janhvi and Khushi have publicly endorsed and appreciated ...
Actor Arjun Kapoor recently shared cherished memories of spending time with his father, filmmaker Boney Kapoor, during his childhood. Despite growing up largely in the care of his mother ...
Arjun Kapoor said that there are people who want to cheer for him and support him. He added that the “surge of goodwill comes from good prevailing over evil”. Arjun Kapoor spoke about his ...