Faber-Castell champions creativity and sustainability among young Malaysians, empowering environmental awareness and advocacy through art. The Young Artist Award workshops saw a record-breaking ...
Ang said that he couldn’t afford at the time to learn to draw comics in art college, So he taught himself in his spare time, ...
Authorities say new regulations are needed to limit hate speech and scams, but creators say they are self-censoring to avoid ...
From the beginning of her songwriting journey during her childhood years in Malaysia, Zoe Tan has aspired to connect with ...
You heard it right Backstreet fans. Nick Carter is back, this time for a solo concert. After almost a decade, he returns to ...
An aspiring local artist and TikTok creator, Mozi (@mozi4real), has recently released a new track titled #ThinkTwice, on the ...
Futureland Festival electrified Stadium Merdeka with amazing performances, unforgettable vibes, and a bold celebration of ...
A model presents traditional Chinese Hanfu attire during the opening ceremony of an exhibition titled Timeless ...
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 3 — Tourism, Arts and Culture (Motac) Deputy Minister Khairul Firdaus Akbar Khan today said that the ...