People can report sightings through the Asian hornet app or online, she added. The Animal & Plant Health Agency has tweeted that its garden at the Chelsea Flower Show had won a gold medal.
YouTube channel Insects Sniper has captured time-lapse footage an Asian giant hornet queen building her nest over a three-day period. The nest is made from chewed wood and saliva which gives it a ...
Finding and removing Asian hornet nests in the Channel Islands is a challenge which is only going to grow, according to experts. Asian hornets have spread through Europe after arriving in southern ...
The dissection of Asian hornet nests is being carried out to inform the strategy used to manage the invasive species in Guernsey. The species, which feeds on honeybees and other pollinators ...
The invasive species Vespa velutina nigrithorax, commonly known as the Asian hornet, reached the Basque Country in 2010 and has since been causing damage in terms of the environment and human ...
It is still unclear how the animals arrived in the States. Animals up to 5.5 centimetres in size Asian giant hornets, the largest hornet species in the world, grow up to 5.5 centimetres in size.