Here’s the tea: there’s a shortage of matcha. Once easily found in grocery stores and cafes, the powdered green tea product is now scarce thanks to its popularity on social media — and ...
Close up of an unrecognizable woman holding a cup of matcha tea with green foam. Replacing coffee with a healthy matcha. As I was browsing through my social media feed this morning, enjoying my ...
Despite having a "vegetal, grassy" flavour that's "almost as divisive as Marmite", said Fiona Embleton in Glamour, matcha is rapidly becoming Gen Z's beverage of the moment. Zendaya and Dua Lipa ...
The 36-year-old, who details new matcha products on his Instagram account, said that even established F&B outlets like Koi The and Mr Coconut have been pushing matcha items on their menus.