And then go about your night-time feeding routine. People always ask me 'after my baby's been fed, should I wake them up and brush their teeth again?' and the answer is absolutely not - we all ...
It’s important to help kids build good oral hygiene habits early –— and the best electric toothbrushes for kids can help.
Pupils at The Oaks Infant School in Sittingbourne clean their teeth at school after every lunch break Children in some of the most deprived parts of Kent are being given supervised teeth brushing ...
Why? Because sugar and acid and food and drinks weakens enamel, your teeth's hard outer shell. Brushing too soon wears weak enamel away. This risk goes up after you've had soda, coffee ...
To brush your dog's teeth, they need to be comfortable with you messing with their mouth. It's best to start this when they are a young puppy. The process is desensitizing them to you touching and ...