This creepy creature, known as the barreleye fish, lives in depths of up to 1km (3280ft) in the northern Pacific Ocean, where the light rarely touches. The two bright green orbs that are visible ...
The conditions that favors the Barreleye include fishing at summer nights and using Deep Corals as baits. The Barreleye is ...
LURKING, often thousands of feet deep below the ocean surface, are creatures that sometimes don’t look like they should be ...
Deep in the ocean's twilight zone, a creature with a remarkable adaptation thrives: the barreleye fish. This unusual fish possesses tubular eyes that can rotate upwards, allowing it to peer ...
Barreleyes, often referred to as spook fish, are small deep-sea fish belonging to the family Opisthoproctidae. Scientists ...
The deep oceans are full of extraordinary creatures, adapted to the cold, frigid environment — but few are as striking as the ...