a heart-warming Christmas film inspired by the true encounter between a six-year-old Roald Dahl and his idol Beatrix Potter. A magical story of what really can happen when you are brave enough to ...
Beatrix Potter is the beloved children’s author who ... In a statement, Sky said that the film would portray Potter coming to the end of her career, under pressure from her publishers, losing ...
“There are so many great characters in Beatrix Potter's books that we'll just be scratching the surface for what we can do,” he said. “It's a big film that will be more than a two-year ...
Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor starred in a film about the life of Beatrix Potter, Miss Potter in 2007 19. Beatrix Potter originally wrote the story of Peter Rabbit in a letter to her ex ...
In 1902 London, spinster Beatrix Potter (Renée Zellweger) lives with her bourgeois parents. Her snobbish mother, Helen Potter (Barbara Flynn), had introduced several bachelors to Beatrix until ...
Roald & Beatrix, the tail of the curious mouse, a heart-warming Christmas film inspired by the true encounter between a six-year-old Roald Dahl and his idol Beatrix Potter. A magical story of what ...