Melodies can be created by using different features which can affect such things as to how it moves and how it is articulated. Piano Concerto No.1 includes: ...
Ludwig was partial to an alcoholic beverage too. Laura Tunbridge, author of the biography Beethoven: A Life in Nine Pieces, notes that his doctors did recommended that he cut back, “which is ...
And then the recorded notes of an orchestra playing Beethoven began to filter out of the amped-up sound system. Simply as a ...
This is the anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth. Beethoven is renowned as a great composer. Many people across the world know his name, that he wrote his best music after he became ...
With each piece Beethoven in effect remade the piano, the sonority of each as significant as the notes on the page. Unrequited Love is the theme of the third program (Jan. 18). Beethoven's song ...