(See “Daniel Kahneman: The Thought Leader Interview,” by Michael Schrage, s+b, Winter 2003.) The application of behavioral finance theory to corporate finance is now attracting the attention of a ...
Baker, Malcolm, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "Behavioral Corporate Finance: A Current Survey." In Handbook of the Economics of Finance, Volume 2A: Corporate Finance, edited ...
Baker, Malcolm, Richard Ruback, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "Behavioral Corporate Finance: A Survey." In The Handbook of Corporate Finance, Volume 1: Empirical Corporate Finance, edited by Espen Eckbo. New ...
Their article was the first treatment of behavioral finance by modern financial economists ... systematic analysis of how behavioral assumptions impact the pricing kernel that lies at the heart of ...
In this novel introduction to modern microeconomic theory, Samuel Bowles returns to the classical economists' interest in the wealth and poverty of nations and people, the workings of the institutions ...
But, Morningstar researchers argue, rational behavior goes deeper than dollars and cents. Traditional finance theory would argue that the rational choice stands to make the most profit.
Behavioral Social Choice will take its place next to Camerer's Behavioral Game Theory, Thaler's Behavioral Finance Theory, and Tversky & Kahneman's Behavioral Decision Theory as another beachhead of ...