with the former sporting his Berserker Armor and the latter standing side by side with the other members of the Godhand. As the endgame approaches the manga series, the manga moves on thanks to ...
“Berserk,” a dark fantasy manga series by Kentaro Miura, has resumed after an abrupt hiatus following the death of the author last year. The latest episode was published in the 13th issue of ...
Manga artist Koji Mori has total recall when it comes to honoring his late friend’s vision for the grand finale of the dark anime fantasy “Berserk.” But his mind is a blank whenever he tries ...
UNIQLO has revealed a new UT T-shirt series featuring original graphics from the late Kentaro Miura’s renowned dark fantasy manga, Berserk. The drop will feature two distinct T-shirt designs ...
Japanese manga author Kentaro Miura has died aged 54. He was best-known for his popular dark fantasy creation Berserk, which debuted as a series in 1989. In a statement, publisher Hakusensha ...