Johnny Lawerence (William Zabka), into a Mr. Miyagi figure. The series, which first premiered in 2018, begins 34 years after the original “Karate Kid” and introduces Johnny as a dead-beat ...
Ralph appeared at the Los Angeles ceremony alongside his co-stars William Zabka and Tamlyn Tomita. His star was unveiled next to his late Karate Kid co-star Pat Morita who played the beloved Mr ...
KARATE Kid Ralph Macchio gets a kick out of his star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. Ralph, 63, first played Daniel LaRusso in the classic 1984 flick, as well as TV spin-off Cobra Kai since 2018. His ...
Macchio, who starred as Daniel LaRusso in The Karate Kid film trilogy and six seasons of Netflix’s Cobra Kai, appeared at the Los Angeles ceremony alongside his co-stars William Zabka and Tamlyn ...