Fourteen orange-headed bird species are showcased for their vibrant ... chestnut upperparts, bright blue back, red beak, found in southeast Asia. Flame-colored Tanager (Piranga bidentata) Bright ...
In the heart of the Australian and New Guinea rainforests lives the cassowary, known as the world's most dangerous bird due ...
Whereas there are a few orange headed species of birds ... and neck with a bright yellow-orange beak. The bird's body is olive-green and blue overall, but its underside has a grayish-orange ...
The blue-billed curassow is the world's most threatened species of cracid, a family of beautiful crested game birds found primarily in Latin America. This large, mainly black bird is the only curassow ...
The eastern bluebird is a species familiar to millions in eastern North America. Polytypic. Length 7" (17.5 cm). Male: bright blue above, with orange throat, ear surround, chest, sides ...