Based on the beloved Australian animated preschool series, the first-ever Bluey animated film is officially in the works. The film will be a Ludo Studio production from BBC Studios and the Walt ...
Bluey is gearing up for a big-screen adventure! Based on the beloved Australian animated preschool series, the first-ever Bluey animated film is officially in the works. The film will be a Ludo ...
Fans of Bluey can soon meet the beloved character in person on land and at sea. On Thursday, it was announced that families will be able to interact with Bluey and her sister, Bingo, at Disney U.S ...
LOS ANGELES -- "Bluey" is officially hitting the big screens. BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company announced today that a "Bluey" feature film is on the way, landing in theaters in 2027 and ...
The film will star vocal talent from the series including Melanie Zanetti and David McCormack as Bluey’s mum and dad, Chilli and Bandit Heeler, and music created by Bluey composer Joff Bush.