The Pincode 400092 of Borivali West P.O. represents Borivali West post office in Mumbai revenue district which comes under the Maharashtra postal circle of Mumbai region.
The skies will be mostly clear. The low will be 21°. Moderate air quality (151-200) Primary pollutant O₃ 111 μg/m³ Amount of moisture present in the air relative to the maximum amount of ...
India has 29 states with at least 720 districts comprising of approximately 6 lakh villages, and over 8200 cities and towns. Indian postal department has allotted a unique postal code of pin code ...
A 25-year-old man died after the motorcycle he was riding came under the wheel of a BEST bus in Mumbai’s Borivali West area on Wednesday, a police official said. The accident occurred when Vaibhav ...
A 25-year-old motorcyclist, Vaibhav Kamble, died in Mumbai after losing control and falling under a BEST bus. The accident occurred between Borivali and Kandivali stations. Kamble suffered fatal ...
The company will be developing 20,232 sq meters (approximately five acres) across these redevelopment projects located in Andheri East, Malad West and Borivali West. The projected saleable carpet area ...
As per the FIR, the SRA, in June 2004, awarded a redevelopment contract to Srinivas Developers Ltd Co for the Borbhat Co-operative Society in Eksar village, Borivali West. The Satras serve as ...