While the story revolves around Yuji, Satoru Gojo undeniably boasts one of the largest fanbases currently present within anime and manga. Satoru Gojo's last appearance in the series was in manga ...
Yuji has officially inherited Gojo's dream, and fans know that he's going to be a phenomenal sorcerer in the future. The world of JJK has changed quite a bit, with the higher-ups of the JJK ...
In fact, Yuji might even go on to surpass Gojo. However, in a very different way than fans would have expected. Yuji Has The Potential To Surpass Gojo Yuji May Or May Not Fulfil His Potential The ...
Jujutsu Kaisen made a serious mistake by having Yuta take over Gojo's body (Image via MAPPA). Jujutsu Kaisen author Gege Akutami made many divisive decisions during the final arc, Shinjuku ...
the bad news is that it does not appear to be true that McDonald’s has released a Happy Meal based on Gojo, or any other character from Jujutsu Kaisen. While the company would typically mark an ...