Bruce McArthur was many things; grandfather, mall Santa, landscaper, and a ruthless serial killer who buried body parts in the yards of his posh clientele. This is the incredible true story of the ...
So when I heard about Toronto serial killer Bruce McArthur and found out his victims were mostly from the Middle East (a story told Village of the Missing, a CBC Docs POV film), I was not surprised.
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Mobeen digs deeper into the Toronto serial killer. As he focuses on two victims that seemed to break Bruce McArthur’s MO, he unearths hidden trauma, sex and drugs. Show more Two victims appear ... as a web journalist in March 2014 and is based in Toronto. With a special interest in crime and courts, Codi has ...
and the arrest of serial killer Bruce McArthur. Aside from hard news, Lightfoot enjoys bringing to life colourful stories about unique characters. Among his favourites are the IKEA monkey ...