In a fictional town not far from the border of an unnamed Latin American country, a woman named Visitación Salazar has made it her mission to provide a resting place for the unlucky dead ...
Into this tense situation comes Angustias Romero, the protagonist of the second novel by the Venezuelan journalist Karina Sainz Borgo, “No Place to Bury the Dead,” translated from Spanish by ...
Into this tense situation comes Angustias Romero, the protagonist of the second novel by the Venezuelan journalist Karina Sainz Borgo, “No Place to Bury the Dead,” translated from Spanish by ...
All this while the body has to be kept in the fridge as there will be disputes about when and where to bury the dead person. Not surprising therefore that we often end up in court with injunctions ...
Songs to spin kick your friends to. Former Bury Your Dead Guitarist Eric Ellis to Release Solo Album Recorded in Prison Former Bury Your Dead Guitarist Eric Ellis to Release Solo Album Recorded in ...
In the new novel "No Place To Bury The Dead," a plague that causes amnesia is rampant in an unnamed Latin American country where a young mother - a hairdresser - named Angustias lives. After the ...
When her husband goes missing in the aftermath of a catastrophic military experiment, Ava joins a "body retrieval unit" in the hopes of finding him alive. But her search takes a chilling turn when ...