A hair salon in a village near Chesterfield is set to grow under a proposal for an extension – next door to a new housing ...
A thriving nursery is planning to build a new classroom which would provide employment opportunities for up to 10 people.
Business bosses say their views have been overlooked and ignored as they have been struggling to maintain and improve their ...
The Government-funded £25.2m Staveley Town Deal includes plans for the council’s Staveley 21 Project for the town centre with a new pavilion building and Market Place revamp, High Street and Market ...
The county council plans to move about 500 staff into one site on Dock Walk Derbyshire County Council is set to close 10 sites in Chesterfield to move staff into one building. The authority has ...
CHESTERFIELD — The state of Missouri has ... Louis-area locations, including its departure from the historic Wainwright Building downtown. The state paid $16.25 million for a 116,000-square ...