Having a wood-burning fireplace requires a lot more manual effort than one might think. On top of this, the chimney of your ...
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, fires confined to chimneys account for 87% of residential building heating ...
While this is a nice secondary heat source, he has creosote buildup in the chimney to worry about. [Michel] knows that by carefully monitoring the temperature of the gases in the chimney ...
Creosote sweeping logs not only perform essential wood stove chimney maintenance to reduce the risks associated with wood-burning fireplaces, but they're also user-friendly. While they don't ...
The most common problem is accretion of creosote, the residue of wood smoke, inside the chimney. Over time, creosote can build up and become flammable, posing a risk of chimney fires. "That's what ...
This year, the chimney was not cleaned, and the homeowner expressed regret, wishing he did. With extensive smoke and water damage, the chimney fire caused an estimated $125,000 in damage. The ...