(Photo provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) The shrinking size of Alaska salmon, a decades-long trend linked in part to warming conditions in the ocean, is hampering the ability of Chinook ...
It’s the largest salmon return on the Mokelumne since record keeping began in 1940, surpassing last year’s record-setting count of 28,698 Chinook. There’s still several weeks left in this ...
Large numbers of sablefish have spread from the Oregon coast to Washington, where they compete with salmon for resources.
“Spring-run Chinook are truly king salmon, magnificent fish prized for their size and taste and impressive for their arduous migrations into upper river reaches,” said Jeff Miller, a senior ...
PORTLAND, Ore.— In response to a petition by the Native Fish Society, Center for Biological Diversity and Umpqua Watersheds, the National Marine Fisheries Service determined today that the Oregon ...
Copious early rainfall and efforts aimed at restoring local salmon and steelhead trout habitat have made such scenes possible, local ecologists say. KENWOOD — A female Chinook salmon swam ...