Leonard, Dutch, and Richard Zeckhauser. "Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Risks: Its Philosophy and Legitimacy." In Values at Risk, edited by Douglas MacLean. Totowa, NJ: Roman & Allanheld, 1985.
While farmers realize the benefits of improving soil health, they can struggle with the cost-benefit equation. Mitchell Hora, Iowa farmer and CEO of Continuum Ag, says farmers need to approach ...
A process by which you weigh expected costs against expected benefits to determine the best (or most profitable) course of action When it comes to goal setting or deciding on the best plan of ...
Mohan, Bhavya, Pierre Chandon, and Jason Riis. "Percentage Cost Discounts Always Beat Percentage Benefit Bonuses: Helping Consumers Evaluate Nominally Equivalent Percentage Changes." Journal of ...
It appears that most private companies look at how their health insurance plans impact their budgets rather than how they ...
Fred L. Smith Jr. Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Draft Report to Congress on the Benefits and Costs of Federal Regulations, Fiscal Year 2023 More than a year overdue, a draft ...