the greatest lunch deal in the universe: A quarter-pound, all beef hot dog or polish dog, and a 20-ounce pop, for $1.50. I say may be, because the chicken Caesar salad for $3.99 is probably healthier ...
A stop at Costco's humble food court ... cheese and chicken poured out. This is different from a hot pocket because it's packed with juicy chicken. It's not skimpy. The cheese, Caesar dressing ...
Costco is a wonderful place for bulk buys, free samples, and, of course, its iconic food court ... The US chicken bake is made with chicken breast, bacon, melted cheese, and Caesar dressing.
Costco Wholesale ... Here are some other food court items: Pizza by the slice and whole pizza pies Chicken bake: a handheld pocket filled with chicken, cheese, Caesar dressing, and bacon baked ...