A section of the upper mantle and crust under the Sierra Nevada mountains is peeling away, in a process that may mimic how ...
Research on hidden structures deep within Earth’s mantle challenges theories about our planet’s middle layer and could ...
Now, researchers have connected 49 seismic events to impact craters, proving that meteorite strikes leave distinct seismic ...
Two Buried Supercontinents Under Africa and the Pacific Ocean Could Be Much Older Than Previously Assumed Earth has several ...
Like a moth in a cocoon, the metamorphosis of Earth's crust from molten goop to solid land is hidden from view, leaving ...
A record-breaking deep earthquake registered in May 2015 offshore of Japan likely was not a tectonic event but triggered by a ...
I recently participated in a three-week-long, National Science Foundation-funded research cruise to the Mariana Trench. Our ...
The ocean plate was once the seafloor of Neotethys — an ocean that formed when the supercontinent Pangaea broke up into a ...
The Tibetan Plateau, often called the "roof of the world," continues to baffle geologists and others curious about Earth’s ...
Massive Mars meteoroid strike that set off 'marsquake' helps NASA understand Red Planet's crust and core - NASA researchers ...
The Geological Society of London says of Africa’s severing: ‘Today the EAR remains above sea level however in the future, as ...
Mars spacecraft teamed up with an AI model to find a new impact crater on on the Martian surface, changing our understanding ...