Animated adventure comedy film sequel featuring the voices of Ray Romano and Denis Leary, 2012. When Scrat's acorn sends an asteroid to Earth, the Herd must find a way to stop it.
8, Disney and 20th Century Animation confirmed that a sixth Ice Age movie is in the works. The voice cast will see the return ...
The video also confirmed that Denis Leary and Simon Pegg would be back to reprise their beloved roles, and the movie is ...
Disney and 20th Century Animation announced Friday that “Ice Age 6” is in the works ... Queen Latifah, Denis Leary, and Simon Pegg, who have all led the voice cast of the family franchise ...
Calling all Ice Age fans! The animated film franchise ... as ground sloth Sid and Latifah voicing woolly mammoth Ellie. Denis Leary and Simon Pegg are also returning for the sequel, which is ...