of the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently developed a neural network-based absorbance recovery method to improve the ...
The objective of the research in the atomic and molecular laser spectroscopy laboratory is to gain knowledge about the basic properties of ions and neutral atoms and molecules, with a particular ...
The development of efficient and convenient mid-infrared sources based on quantum cascade lasers ... and spectroscopy, with many molecules and chemical compounds having strong absorption lines.
More information: Alifu Xiafukaiti et al, Optimization for hydrogen gas quantitative measurement using tunable diode laser ...
Optical absorption spectroscopy using various laser sources has been demonstrated to be a useful technique for detecting gases such as carbon dioxide and ammonia, and performing environment and ...
Nonlinear optical frequency conversion is an important enabling technology for a variety of applications, especially laser spectroscopy. Molecular spectroscopy experiments ... Express 18, 14087 (2010) ...
such as dual-comb spectroscopy. Both frequency combs emitted from the coupled lasers can probe gas absorption lines, and by mixing the resulting signals onto a detector, the optical absorption is ...