Calculate the expectation and variance of several random variables and develop some intuition. Understand the foundations of probability and its relationship to statistics and data science. We’ll ...
This is a graduate-level course focused on techniques and models in modern discrete probability. Topics include: the first and second moment methods, martingales, concentration inequalities, branching ...
A random variable that can take only a certain specified set of individual possible values-for example, the positive integers 1, 2, 3, . . . For example, stock prices are discrete random variables ...
Sample space, Field and Probability Measure. Axiomatic definition of Probability. Bayes' theorem. Repeated trials. Continuous and discrete random variables and their probability distribution and ...
Introduction to probability, random processes and basic statistical methods to address the random nature of signals and systems that engineers analyze, characterize and apply in their designs. It ...
It covers the following topics. Abstract probability spaces: sample spaces, sigma-algebras, probability measures, examples. Borel sigma-algebra, Lebesgue measure. Random variables: distribution ...