“King Lear” features two storylines. Each relates to the disintegration of the family. The first plot involves Gloucester and ...
His son, Edgar leads him to safety where King Lear is also hiding. The English army defeats the French army led by Cordelia in the effort of finding her father, and both Cordelia and Lear are ...
If there’s an actor in King Lear who’s attempting to go deep as ... When, after hearing the lie that his beloved son Edgar wants him dead, he turns his brokenhearted gaze skyward and says ...
From Nov. 14 – 16, the Middlebury community enjoyed a dazzling production of one of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies, King ...
In his version both King Lear and his daughter Cordelia live, the King grants his daughter the throne, which she will rule with Edgar, who is soon to become her husband. Edgar sums up the mood of ...
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Play: Christopher Plummer was nominated but did not win.
The great Kenneth Branagh leads and co-directs a decidedly not-great production which often feels like a college effort—if the head of your drama department had made Shakespeare films 30-odd ...
By Maya Phillips Kenneth Branagh’s “King Lear,” which opened Thursday night at the Shed, is a tragedy that doesn’t seem to know why it’s so tragic. The production’s fleet and feathery ...
"King Lear" features two storylines. Each relates to the disintegration of the family. The first plot involves Gloucester and ...
Who has ever realized, without the aid of the senses, all the horror and pathos of such a scene as that in which Lear speaks with Edgar and the fool? The majestic madness of the King, the bitter ...
A stage-to-screen film of King Lear, filmed in the round in Manchester. A brutal portrait of a man unravelling - pitted against his daughters, nature and the universe itself. Show more A stage-to ...