While some former vice presidents ran for other offices, recent vice presidents have either attempted presidential bids or ...
Peter Yarrow, lead vocalist and songwriter for the folk trio Peter, Paul, and Mary, passed away on 7 January 2025 at 86 after ...
He didn't win the White House. He didn't even win his own party's nomination. But in 1968 Eugene McCarthy revealed major divisions among Democrats, changing the political landscape in a way few ...
Eugene McCarthy told a roaring Fenway Park audience Thursday night that the nation has a chance this year to become “an America of confidence, an America which trusts its own judgment.” ...
Peter Yarrow was married to Mary Beth McCarthy, niece of former Democratic presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy.
In November 1967, Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota announced that he would seek the Democratic nomination, and that ending the Vietnam War was his central issue. McCarthy mobilized hundreds of ...
SENATOR Eugene J. McCarthy made a strong, encouraging showing against President Johnson in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary. The size of McCarthy's vote not only reflected mounting feeling against ...
Johnson declined to run for office again. The anti-war Democratic candidate, Eugene McCarthy, lost his party’s nomination and Richard Nixon became President No. 37, laying bare a fractured ...
It's Happening: My appreciation for Iowa and its citizens goes far deeper than the quadrennial hoopla, of a kind that centers on bracing friendships with some of its standout heroes.