As the low sun refracts alarmingly across the CS’s windscreen the 100 miles between Munich and Nuremberg disappear indecently quickly. Earlier, I’d been wondering if the M4 CS is a real M car ...
近日,宝马M4 CS正式首发。新车相较普通版宝马M4增加了轻量化的性能套件,减重了20.4kg。 外观方面,新车的宝马标志性的双肾格栅周围配备了一圈 ...
而动力方面,宝马新款M2 CS车型将搭载一台3.0T双涡轮增压发动机,最大功率提升至525马力(约为392kW),并已超越宝马M4 Competition车型(503马力≈375kW ...
Since then, the M4 (and its four-door M3 sibling) has undergone multiple revisions, as well as been diversified into the excellent, but eye-wateringly expensive CS and lesser Competition Pack options.
日前海外媒体再次曝光了一组宝马新款M2 CS车型最新路试谍照图片,新车预计最快将于今年年底前或2025年首发亮相,并有望在明年上半年陆续开售。