Welcome to the Faroe Islands. Here in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean somewhere between Iceland, Norway and the UK is one of the world's rainiest places. There are more sheep than people ...
Jonathan Wylie, The Faroe Islands: Interpretations of History Forget ... If your purpose is detected, people will point at you, sing ditties and sarcastic little flings at you.
"While we welcome people from all over the globe to experience the Faroe Islands, we also need to preserve and protect what we have to ensure a sustainable future," he said.
But that would require a personal identification number known as a CPR and a health card, both of which are reserved for people who have lived in Denmark. According to Sólvit E. Nolsø, minister of ...
Killing white-sided dolphins is "legal but it's not popular", said Sjurdur Skaale, a Danish MP for the Faroe Islands. He visited Skalabotnur beach to speak to locals on Monday. "People were ...
Where most people see a thing of wonder when catching sight of dolphins, Faroe Island inhabitants, or Faroese, see a food source. However, since the Faroese slaughtered 156 dolphins, including ...