SE确认《FF16》《FF7重生》销量不及预期:是时候再出几款手游收米了! Square Enix近日分享了5月的财务业绩发布会细节,总裁桐生隆司公布了当时的 ...
近日,《最终幻想16》制作人在接受外媒采访时称,《FF16》在游戏设计上本有更多打算,原本计划以三名主要角色分篇章进行叙事。 在登录PC平台 ...
Players can craft Wolfskin Sash by visiting the NPC Blackthorne. In the Black Hammer Craft menu, players need to supply the following ingredients to create the item. Players can upgrade Wolfskin ...
What is Liquid Flame used for in FF16? The table below shows all the recipes, be it crafting or reinforcing that Liquid Flame is used as a material needed in creating the following items: ...