arm-twisting world of Japanese professional wrestling. The Netflix series, which began airing last month, tells the story of Dump Matsumoto, a real-life wrestling legend from the 1980s who grew up ...
Harumafuji - his fighting name - was a sumo ... There are six professional sumo tournaments a year, all held in Japan. Promotion through the ranks comes from winning more than you lose, and ...
"That said, there has been no faster-growing wrestling company in the world.” AXS TV will broadcast New Japan Pro Wrestling's biggest show of the year — Wrestle Kingdom 12 — on Saturday ...
Despite being battered and bruised through thousands of bouts, Yoshihiro Asai continues to climb into the pro wrestling ... around the world, and he is now also performing in Japan.
If you thought the WWE was intense, you haven't witnessed Stardom, the professional women's wrestling league in Japan. While the WWE's Wrestle Mania involves a lot of violent action, Stardom ...